Quizzes i've taken.
Hi, i know I had all my tests on the about me page but I've been taking so many I just don't have enough room anymore!! I've had a go at making my own quizs. Please try them out! I'll make some more soon!
Here are my results for my quizs: (please make a note that when you get the result the coding to put it on your webbie does not work. You need to replace the image url with the one from the properties menu of your results picture. (right click on your results picture then select properties. Copy the "address" and use it in the coding)) I'd also like to add that it is not my fault. It is quizzila's fault! By the way its newest towards the bottom!! Sorry bout that i just cant be bothered!!
They all have links so that you can try them out too!! So here thay are:
I'm Sailor Saturn-who are you? Find out at Midnight Rabbit dot com!
out which tNBC song you are! Quiz by JessieofTR.
How Would YOU Take Over the World?
While you are strong, or maybe a little too
carefree, you seem to attract those around you.
Wanting to be with the person you love is not a
crime, but it is something that you will never
admit to. Such a shame... But if anyone makes a
remark about it to you, you'll either wave it
off as nothing or backhand them across the
What Shaman King Couple Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
You are Yuuki Miaka
You love food, boys, and hate studying. However, you are tying to make your family happy by tyring your hardest to do things that are too hard. Often, when things get really tough, you depend on your friends to bail you out. You trust in others to do what is best, even when they often dissappoint you. Your greatest need is loyalty, and it is also your greatest asset.
Take the "What Magic Girl are you?" Quiz
What Natural Disaster are you? Take the quiz!
Which Angel would you be? By Angel |